Jesus Christ And The Virgin Mary Speak To Youth And Young People

(Maria Divine Mercy)

“Message from Virgin Mary about communicating to Young People”
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011 @ 18:00

(After a private apparition in which she appeared to the visionary for over 30 minutes.)

I come in the Name of Jesus Christ. I am the Mother of God, your beloved Mother, Queen of all the Angels.

My child, you have just been tested because of the Work you do for my beloved Son and you have become stronger as a result. You know now what has to be done so that as many young people as possible understand Who my Son is. He, the Most Precious Son of mine, Saviour of the World, will do everything to save all of those who walk the Earth in ignorance of His Mercy.

Those children who stubbornly refuse to listen, must be told the Truth and very soon. Please tell young people all over the world that Jesus walks with them every second of the day. He cares so much for them. They have no idea of the depth of His Love. He wants to embrace them into His Sacred Heart so that they will enjoy the New Era of Peace on Earth. If only they would respond.

My child, it is so difficult for people to understand the Truth of the Existence of God the Father. To convince them of the Truth of His beloved Son’s Sacrifice is very difficult. This, my child, must be your goal.

Go in peace and love.


“God the Father: Love Me as I love you”
Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 @ 03:00

My dearest daughter, let it be known that every time a man sins against Me, I will forgive him. Sin may separate him from Me but I still love the sinner. Let it be known that I love those who are oblivious to Me. I desire all those who may feel that I do not exist to listen now.

I Am within your grasp. Please call out to Me. I want you. I love you. I need you, for you are part of My Flesh. And, as part of My Flesh I feel lost when you do not respond to Me. Like a parent who gives life to a child, I await your response. A baby naturally responds to a parent. A parent naturally loves its child for this is part of the Gift that I bestow upon humanity.

I Am your Father. I Am your Creator. I Am Who I Am. Don’t you know that I love you all with a longing that is only known to those of you have become parents? I cry tears of great sorrow when you do not know Who I Am. My Heart is heavy as I call out to you now. Love Me as I love you.




January 6, 2012
“A New Jesus Movement Among the Young”

There is a constant shifting of reality, as forces that once were strong grow weak, and new, surprising forces emerge on the scene. This has happened so quickly in the modern world. The new forces of technology have captured a large audience and the traditional forces of the Churches have receded. More and more, the young are formed by the new forces and are barely touched by the traditional forces. The younger population is able to use the new technology very well but they have no roots in the traditional beliefs. They are uprooted and floating, so to speak, drawn into a new world that cannot answer the deepest questions of their hearts and which does not give them companions in faith.

Swept Out of Churches

This is the great danger, which is happening before everyone’s eyes. The whole younger generation is swept out the door of the churches, never rooted in faith, and is caught up in the mesmerizing powers of the new technology.

Do I not have a place in my Immaculate Heart for these young people? Are they not my children? Should I not reach out?

Dear young person, as you read these words, know that your heavenly Mother is reaching out to you. Ahead of you are severe disappointments and the cruelest of trials. Technology has drawn you, ensnared you and trapped you. The images are endless but they are just images. They are not flesh and blood.

Flesh and Blood

I gave flesh and blood to God. Jesus is no image. He is your Lord and Savior. He is risen and is in your midst. I call you to an awakening, to a new Jesus Movement. When your friends begin talking about Jesus, do not criticize them but accept them and join them. This is your only hope. His love for you is real. He is flesh and blood and has all power to help you.

Let us not wait. Let us begin now. Open your heart. Say this prayer with me, “Jesus, I am a sinner and I believe that you can forgive my sins. I believe you are the Savor of the world and that you want to save me. I open my heart to you and I invite you to enter it. Amen.” Keep asking Jesus to come. I will be at your side.


Video: Do Not Fear (1:52 minutes)

Video: Somebody Loves You (3:59 minutes; Graphic)

The following below are links to the main website,

The Warning – Illumination Of Conscience

The Warning – God Speaks To You

Jesus Christ – You Are Forgiven, I Give You My Mercy

The following below are links to the main website,

Jesus Christ And The Virgin Mary – Messages For Youth And Young People

Our Lady – Mary – Speaks to the Broken-Hearted – Young People

Also see, these free downloadable and printable PDF booklets from Direction For Our Times, JESUS CHRIST, The Returning King:

“Heaven Speaks To Young Adults”

“Jesus Speaks To You”

“Heaven Speaks About Depression”

“Heaven Speaks To Those Considering Suicide”

“Heaven Speaks About Addictions”

“Heaven Speaks To Those Who Struggle To Forgive”


Song: “One Way” by Hillsong

Song: “Lionheart” by Demi Lovato

Song: “The One I’m Running To” by 7eventh Time Down

Song: “God Is on the Move” by 7eventh Time Down